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Our Solutions & Expertise

Boutique and personalised approach.

From Penetration Testing services to deep source code review and software reverse engineering.

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Today's Cyber Security & Penetration Testing needs to be fast, agile, scalable & efficient.

Blockchain Security Experts

Nodes, Shared Ledger, Synchronisation & Consensus Algorithms Security

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Software & Application Assessments

Advanced assessments from our application and software security experts

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Breach - Adversary & Attack Simulations

Ransomware simulations, MITRE ATT&CK framework for continuous purple teaming

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our expertise

Our Areas of Expertise

Our Expertise
Penetration Testing

Simulating hacking techniques to identify exploitable security vulnerabilities in computer systems or networks.

Our Expertise
Source Code Reviews

Thorough inspection of source code, from a security point of view, to discover and prevent security vulnerabilities for safe software.

Our Expertise
Software Reverse Engineering

Analysing binaries and software to identify and mitigate potential security threats and vulnerabilities.

Our Expertise
Blockchain Security

Evaluation of the security risks, vulnerabilities and measures in the blockchain system to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability.

Our Expertise
Mobile Applications

Evaluation and reversing of mobile apps to identify vulnerabilities and ensure the safety of user data and back-end systems.
Co-authors of The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook.

Our Expertise
Web Applications

Evaluating and identifying vulnerabilities in web applications based on worldwide security standards including OWASP's top 10 security risks.

Offensive Security
Penetration Testing

Our main area of expertise. The objective is to assess the security of a specific aspect of an information system according to an outlined scope. A one-time, limited-duration, time-boxed engagement, to uncover as many exploitable vulnerabilities as possible, followed by a professional foolproof report.

Offensive Security
Attack Simulations

In comparison to Penetration Tests, adversary, attack simulations & Red teaming are technically more complex, takes more time, and is a more thorough exercise of testing an organisation's response capabilities and the security measures they have in place. The goal is to achieve a specific objective – typically to compromise target data, deploy Ransomware-like software or compromise a specific system.

Offensive Security
Ethical Hacking

Ethical hacking encompasses the practice of using hacking skills for good. Although a less structured approach to testing a system's security, it still involves identifying potential vulnerabilities, designing and executing specific attacks to test those vulnerabilities, and then reporting on the results. Penetration testing is generally more focused and specific, with the goal of identifying weaknesses in a particular area or application.

Offensive Security
Network & Infrastructure

The objective of Network & Infrastructure Security Assessments is to find weaknesses at the OS & network level before an adversary can take advantage.

Offensive Security
Cloud Computing Security

This service provides an expert assessment around the security posture & configurations of cloud infrastructure & applications from all major vendors including AWS, GCP, Microsoft 365, Azure, Dropbox & more.

Offensive Security
Vulnerability Assessments

The goal of a vulnerability assessment is to reduce a targets attack surface by quickly identifying vulnerable assets, before an attacker can take advantage. Typically less time consuming and aids in triage exercises.

Software & Applications
Application Assessments

Typically involve analysing the software's architecture, code, libraries, and other components to identify vulnerabilities, risks, and weaknesses. Mobile Apps, Web Applications, APIs and any Software running on any system and platforms.

Software & Applications
Reverse Engineering

Specialised technical abilities and tools are necessary to disassemble the software code. This time-consuming process allows for examination of binaries and code's performance, functionality, and any possible vulnerabilities, leading to valuable insights particularly when this information may not be available through conventional means such as source code.

Software & Applications
Source Code Review

Analysing the source code of an application or software to identify any vulnerabilities or errors that may cause security risks. It is a method used to check and identify potential security flaws in the software's source code, ensuring that the application is secure and can effectively protect itself against cyber attacks.

Why Software Assessments
Enhance customer trust:

When customers feel confident that their data is safe, they are more likely to engage with a product, and are more likely to refer it to others. By ensuring that  software is secure, businesses can maintain and even enhance the trust of their customers.

Why Software Assessments
Save money:

Finding and addressing security issues early in the software development lifecycle is much more cost-effective than addressing them later after the application is released. This is why business often perform software security reviews and subsequent code drops or changes.

Why Software Assessments
Meet compliance standards:

Companies are required to comply with various industry-based standards, such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA and GDPR that specify certain security requirements. Software security code reviews are critical to ensure that not only the applications are not introducing security vulnerabilities but that they also meet compliance requirements.

Blockchain Security
Blockchain Network

Blockchain security assessments involve analysing vulnerabilities and potential threats to a blockchain network, in order to develop and implement measures to ensure the safety and integrity of data of this solution.

Blockchain Security
Smart Contracts

Reviewing and analysing the code of blockchain-based contracts to identify and address potential security vulnerabilities, ensuring that they are secure and reliable.

Blockchain Security
Consensus Algorithms

Consensus Algorithm Analysis refers to the process of verifying the accuracy and security of the algorithms that govern a blockchain network's decision-making whether they are Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Casper, Delegated Proof Of Stake, Transaction As Proof Of Stake, dBFT etc

Blockchain Security
Keys and Wallets

Security of the user’s wallets via the use of private keys and passwords. Our security assessment will make sure that the key storage and password management is done in the most secure way possible including hot and multi-signature wallets and cold wallets such as hardware wallets.

Blockchain Security

Securing a network on a blockchain largely relies on its nodes, which offer redundancy, synchronisation, and communication to the ledger. The larger the network of nodes, the more secure and robust it is, but there are different security factors to consider.

Blockchain Security
Shared Ledger

Shared Ledger storage Analysis & Security code review is the process of examining the security of the blockchain network's storage structure and ensuring that its code is free of vulnerabilities that could compromise its integrity.


We are co-authors of the Lead Pen Test Professional training course which enables participants the necessary expertise to lead a professional penetration test by using a mix of practical techniques and management skills.

Bespoke Training

Customised security training designed specifically for your organisation's unique needs, addressing existing vulnerabilities and providing practical tools for improving your security posture. Contact us!


Co-Trainers of Black Hat Barcelona and BH Federal 2010 - A cutting-edge, hands-on course aimed at hackers who want to exploit web applications, and developers who want to know how to defend them.

Blockchain Security

(coming soon)

Ransomware Security

(coming soon)

Software Vulnerability Assessments

(coming soon)